62501 |
Roman catholic diocese of Urbino |
0 |
62502 |
Saligoi |
0 |
62503 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Temesa |
0 |
62504 |
Atella (Ancient City) |
0 |
62505 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Venosa |
0 |
62506 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Sala Consilina |
0 |
62507 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Norcia |
0 |
62508 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Cluana (Civitanova Marche) |
0 |
62509 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Volterra |
0 |
62510 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Sorano |
0 |
62511 |
Roman Catholic Archidiocese of Pisa |
0 |
62512 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Salpi |
0 |
62513 |
Amiternum (ancient city) |
0 |
62514 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Amiternum |
0 |
62515 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Sulmona |
0 |
62516 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Valva |
0 |
62517 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Todi |
0 |
62518 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Grumentum |
0 |
62519 |
(fomrer) Roman Catholic Diocese of Minturnae |
0 |
62520 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Sessa Aurunca |
0 |
62521 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Forlimpopuli |
0 |
62522 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Pistoia |
0 |
62523 |
Roman Catholic Archidiocese of Lucca |
0 |
62524 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Fiesole |
0 |
62525 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Caudium |
0 |
62526 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Avellino |
0 |
62527 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Otricoli |
0 |
62528 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Trevi |
0 |
62529 |
(fomer) Roman Catholic Diocese of Salerno |
0 |
62530 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Aosta |
0 |
62531 |
Chirignago |
0 |
62532 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Troia (Aecae)) |
0 |
62533 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Teano |
0 |
62534 |
Roman catholic diocese of Palestrina |
0 |
62535 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Chieti |
0 |
62536 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Camerino |
0 |
62537 |
(former) Parish of Turrita |
0 |
62538 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Cingoli |
0 |
62539 |
(former) Roman Province of Veneto et Istria |
0 |
62540 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Verona |
0 |
62541 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Altino |
0 |
62542 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Numana |
0 |
62543 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Forum Popilii |
0 |
62544 |
Forum Popolii (ancient roman city) |
0 |
62545 |
Altinum (ancient town) |
0 |
62546 |
Former Roman catholic diocese of Termini Imerese |
0 |
62547 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Pozzuoli |
0 |
62548 |
Ager Venetum Ambuleius |
0 |
62549 |
Case Fabbrizi-torre De' Belli |
0 |
62550 |
Ciapina |
0 |
62551 |
Sferro Scalo |
0 |
62552 |
Li Cupuneddi |
0 |
62553 |
Collevarche |
0 |
62554 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Modena |
0 |
62555 |
former Roman Catholic Diocese of Truentum |
0 |
62556 |
Ballarò |
0 |
62557 |
Fabbricotti |
0 |
62558 |
Monte Rosello |
45000 |
62559 |
Arcella |
44000 |
62560 |
Sant'Eufemia della Fonte |
3500 |
62561 |
Borghetto sul Mincio |
0 |
62562 |
Missori |
0 |
62563 |
Chiesa Rossa |
0 |
62564 |
Molino Dorino |
0 |
62565 |
Casal de' Pazzi |
27206 |
62566 |
Tor Tre Teste |
11417 |
62567 |
Tor Vergata |
1691 |
62568 |
Giardinetti-Tor Vergata |
20680 |
62569 |
Casal Bertone |
16273 |
62570 |
Pigneto |
0 |
62571 |
Pantanaccio |
0 |
62572 |
Moscova |
0 |
62573 |
Rubattino |
0 |
62574 |
Tor Bella Monaca |
0 |
62575 |
Ganzirri |
0 |
62576 |
Sant'Agata Irpina |
0 |
62577 |
Ducato di Benevento |
0 |
62578 |
Esarcato d'Italia/ di Ravenna |
0 |
62579 |
Ducato di Ferrara |
0 |
62580 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Alatri |
0 |
62581 |
Ducato di Fermo |
0 |
62582 |
Former Roman Catholic Diocese of Castello |
0 |
62583 |
Luprio (region of Venice in Antiquity/Middle Ages) |
0 |
62584 |
Emilia (regione storica) |
0 |
62585 |
Medieval Duchy of Lucca |
0 |
62586 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla |
0 |
62587 |
Ducato del Friuli |
0 |
62588 |
Ducato di Chiusi |
0 |
62589 |
Kingdom of the Lombards (historical political entitty) |
0 |
62590 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Ferrara (today Ferrara-Comacchio) |
0 |
62591 |
Ducato di Napoli |
0 |
62592 |
Territorium Decimanum (approximate position) |
0 |
62593 |
Necropoli Etrusca di Malignano |
0 |
62594 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Como |
0 |
62595 |
Ducato di Ivrea (longobardo) |
0 |
62596 |
Pentapolis (Italia) |
0 |
62597 |
Roman Catholic Archidiocese of Gaeta |
0 |
62598 |
Roman catholic diocese of Concordia(-Pordenone) |
0 |
62599 |
Contea di Bergamo (medievale) |
0 |
62600 |
Padule (Sesto Fiorentino) |
0 |
62601 |
28 May |
0 |
62602 |
Capalle |
0 |
62603 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Castellammare di Stabia (today united with Sorrento) |
0 |
62604 |
Gorarella |
0 |
62605 |
Sugherella |
0 |
62606 |
Commendone |
0 |
62607 |
Alberino |
0 |
62608 |
Porta Vecchia |
0 |
62609 |
Porta Nuova |
0 |
62610 |
Borgo Tripoli |
0 |
62611 |
San Martino |
0 |
62612 |
Crespi |
0 |
62613 |
Casotto dei Pescatori |
0 |
62614 |
Pollino |
0 |
62615 |
Villaggio Curiel |
0 |
62616 |
Villaggio Europa |
0 |
62617 |
Pace |
0 |
62618 |
Villaggio Kennedy |
0 |
62619 |
Casalone |
0 |
62620 |
San Giovanni |
0 |
62621 |
Villaggio Azzurro |
0 |
62622 |
Sciangai |
0 |
62623 |
Barbaruta |
0 |
62624 |
Vallerotana |
0 |
62625 |
Former Roman Catholic Diocese of Bomarzo |
0 |
62626 |
(former) Roman Catholic Diocese of Priverno |
0 |
62627 |
Leonine city (Civitas Leonina) |
0 |
62628 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Ostia |
0 |
62629 |
Corbia |
0 |
62630 |
Casarisc |
0 |
62631 |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Oderzo |
0 |
62632 |
Contrada Piano Semente |
10 |
62633 |
Levo |
0 |
62634 |
Agnani |
0 |
62635 |
Landro |
0 |
62636 |
Bolladore |
0 |
62637 |
Tre Chiese |
0 |
62638 |
Compsa |
0 |
62639 |
Crocetta d'Orero |
0 |
62640 |
Piedimonte del Calvario |
0 |
62641 |
Borgo Castello |
0 |
62642 |
Noriglio |
0 |
62643 |
Baddutua |
0 |
62644 |
Biduni |
0 |
62645 |
Perda 'e Caddu |
0 |
62646 |
Talassacciu |
0 |
62647 |
Monte Corte |
0 |
62648 |
Pala Crabile |
0 |
62649 |
Occili |
0 |
62650 |
Canale Figu |
0 |
62651 |
Verzotto |
95 |
62652 |
Crabili |
0 |
62653 |
Nussecca |
0 |
62654 |
Serra su Lioni |
0 |
62655 |
s'Areis |
0 |
62656 |
Nardoa |
0 |
62657 |
Taccu |
0 |
62658 |
sa Mormonia |
0 |
62659 |
Ruina 'e Ponti |
0 |
62660 |
Siddasso |
0 |
62661 |
Tinniterra |
0 |
62662 |
Costa Carrada |
0 |
62663 |
Argiolas |
0 |
62664 |
Mura Aregus |
0 |
62665 |
Sa Xenobida |
0 |
62666 |
Pranu Murdegu |
0 |
62667 |
Gurtibani |
0 |
62668 |
Lartus |
0 |
62669 |
Tarceri |
0 |
62670 |
sa Costa 'e Narbonis |
0 |
62671 |
Lilliu |
0 |
62672 |
Fondu Corongiu |
0 |
62673 |
Laccheddos |
0 |
62674 |
Pardu Longu |
0 |
62675 |
Burdaga |
0 |
62676 |
Ispennei |
0 |
62677 |
Funtana Mirai |
0 |
62678 |
Senna 'e s'Arena |
0 |
62679 |
Gioie |
0 |
62680 |
su Pardu |
0 |
62681 |
Iscari |
0 |
62682 |
s'Ollustincu |
0 |
62683 |
su Suelgiu Trottu |
0 |
62684 |
su Polcili |
0 |
62685 |
Grughe |
0 |
62686 |
s'Ulimu |
0 |
62687 |
Angraris |
0 |
62688 |
Creccherie |
0 |
62689 |
Serrazzargiu |
0 |
62690 |
su Pittighe |
0 |
62691 |
Pardoniga |
0 |
62692 |
Madaresu |
0 |
62693 |
Serriargiu |
0 |
62694 |
Funtana Alinusu |
0 |
62695 |
Is Orroinas |
0 |
62696 |
Canale |
0 |
62697 |
Paule |
0 |
62698 |
Cardedu |
0 |
62699 |
Barigau |
0 |
62700 |
sa Bandela |
0 |
62701 |
Geminariu |
0 |
62702 |
Stittili |
0 |
62703 |
Indulu |
0 |
62704 |
Grottafumata Hydroelectric Plant |
0 |
62705 |
Casaranello |
0 |
62706 |
Lorossa |
0 |
62707 |
Melerodeddu |
0 |
62708 |
Nuedda |
0 |
62709 |
Nuttu |
0 |
62710 |
s'Arziada |
0 |
62711 |
sa Croba Eccada |
0 |
62712 |
s'Isca |
0 |
62713 |
Gedillis |
0 |
62714 |
Strada |
0 |
62715 |
Fruscu |
0 |
62716 |
Cidolai |
0 |
62717 |
Perdas Latinas |
0 |
62718 |
Monte Abbruzzu |
0 |
62719 |
Nuxi Arriu |
0 |
62720 |
Serras Artas |
0 |
62721 |
Frumini |
0 |
62722 |
Orrodolos |
0 |
62723 |
Samuccu |
0 |
62724 |
Piravra |
0 |
62725 |
s'Orcu 'e Commedda |
0 |
62726 |
Cummidasecci |
0 |
62727 |
s'Enesizzi |
0 |
62728 |
Fontana Taeddas |
0 |
62729 |
Case Bau sa Mela |
0 |
62730 |
Case su Caccaeddu |
0 |
62731 |
Borgata Pirastera |
0 |
62732 |
Santa Sofia |
0 |
62733 |
Pauli Oni |
0 |
62734 |
Pardu Mesu |
0 |
62735 |
Stalle Bresciani |
0 |
62736 |
Pardu Accas |
0 |
62737 |
Tanca Molino |
0 |
62738 |
sa Maddalena |
0 |
62739 |
Pedralada |
0 |
62740 |
Zuccherificio |
0 |
62741 |
Tanca Soreri |
0 |
62742 |
Is Pastureddas |
0 |
62743 |
Frumendolia |
0 |
62744 |
Perda 'E Cuba |
0 |
62745 |
Osulai |
0 |
62746 |
Canali Figu |
0 |
62747 |
Perducciu |
0 |
62748 |
Perdixedda |
0 |
62749 |
Tennori |
0 |
62750 |
Sartala |
0 |
62751 |
Santa Maria |
0 |
62752 |
Sartu de Loceri |
0 |
62753 |
Maurusauru |
0 |
62754 |
Bauacci |
0 |
62755 |
Gustieri |
0 |
62756 |
Mattalei |
0 |
62757 |
Corti Accas |
0 |
62758 |
Taccu |
0 |
62759 |
s'Abba Marina |
0 |
62760 |
Circillai |
0 |
62761 |
s'Abba 'e sa Murta |
0 |
62762 |
sa Serra 'e sa Pira |
0 |
62763 |
Frazione del Comune di Osini |
0 |
62764 |
Pardu |
0 |
62765 |
Perda Cronta |
0 |
62766 |
s'Arcu e Susu |
0 |
62767 |
Corces |
0 |
62768 |
Villaggio le Vele |
0 |
62769 |
Tonnare |
0 |
62770 |
Frazione del Comune di Porto Torres |
0 |
62771 |
Villaggio Nurra |
0 |
62772 |
Santa Maria |
0 |
62773 |
Tamerici |
0 |
62774 |
l'Ancora |
0 |
62775 |
Vecchio |
0 |
62776 |
Gàiro Ruderi |
0 |
62777 |
Tumbarino |
0 |
62778 |
Trabuccato |
0 |
62779 |
Campu Perdu |
0 |
62780 |
Periodo Secondo |
0 |
62781 |
Sa Rudia |
0 |
62782 |
Fainxeddas |
0 |
62783 |
Baucarru |
0 |
62784 |
Serra Tuffo |
0 |
62785 |
Is Paderis |
0 |
62786 |
Is Cortilaris |
0 |
62787 |
Isca San Maria |
0 |
62788 |
Santu Perdu |
0 |
62789 |
Palloni |
0 |
62790 |
Furraghe |
0 |
62791 |
Cungiau Marras |
0 |
62792 |
Sa Mora |
0 |
62793 |
Fenugheda |
0 |
62794 |
Serlagus |
0 |
62795 |
Bennaxi |
0 |
62796 |
Pala Bizziri |
0 |
62797 |
Pauli di Nurechi |
0 |
62798 |
Rimedio |
0 |
62799 |
Pranu Mannu |
0 |
62800 |
Baraima |
0 |
62801 |
Pauledda |
0 |
62802 |
Gruxi Manna |
0 |
62803 |
Casa Cabitza |
0 |
62804 |
Predi Felis |
0 |
62805 |
Pardu Ierru |
0 |
62806 |
Palamestia |
0 |
62807 |
Su Coddu |
0 |
62808 |
Giacumoi |
0 |
62809 |
Bau E Cannas |
0 |
62810 |
Genna 'e Murta |
0 |
62811 |
Su Murru Mannu |
0 |
62812 |
Funtana Medica |
0 |
62813 |
Sa Costa Su Forru |
0 |
62814 |
Calboli |
0 |
62815 |
Montecerro |
0 |
62816 |
Pranu Samugheo |
0 |
62817 |
Santu Miggianu |
0 |
62818 |
su Pardu |
0 |
62819 |
Pranu de Ziu Bernardu |
0 |
62820 |
Abbadizzus |
0 |
62821 |
Orroia Asinos |
0 |
62822 |
Cala Piscinas |
0 |
62823 |
Genna Scruidda |
0 |
62824 |
Genna Carruba |
0 |
62825 |
Terra Maior |
0 |
62826 |
Zamburra |
0 |
62827 |
Lu Laccu |
0 |
62828 |
Villa Assunta |
0 |
62829 |
Monte Pedroseddu |
0 |
62830 |
Sa Segada |
0 |
62831 |
Donna Ricca |
0 |
62832 |
Su Pirastru |
0 |
62833 |
Sa Culiazza Veccia |
0 |
62834 |
Pala Pirastru |
0 |
62835 |
Sa Ginestra |
0 |
62836 |
Monte Fenosu |
0 |
62837 |
Cuili Intrada Noba |
0 |
62838 |
Perdescralatu |
0 |
62839 |
Valle d'Orzili |
0 |
62840 |
Frazione del Comune di Elini |
0 |
62841 |
Corte Abbruxiada |
0 |
62842 |
Medau Mannu |
0 |
62843 |
La Fazenda |
0 |
62844 |
sa Salina |
0 |
62845 |
su Cambuxiu |
0 |
62846 |
Usai |
0 |
62847 |
is Potettus |
0 |
62848 |
Campu Onnis Maurizio |
0 |
62849 |
is Cinus |
0 |
62850 |
Cimitoria |
0 |
62851 |
Peonia Rosa |
0 |
62852 |
is Porcus |
0 |
62853 |
is Pillonis |
0 |
62854 |
Cussorgia is Murronis |
0 |
62855 |
Corrumanciu |
0 |
62856 |
su de is Sirbonis |
0 |
62857 |
is Spigas |
0 |
62858 |
Porto Pinetto |
0 |
62859 |
Scaralettus |
0 |
62860 |
Cùccuru Mannu |
0 |
62861 |
is Mellonis |
0 |
62862 |
Pedrixedda |
0 |
62863 |
Peschiera Pontis |
0 |
62864 |
Cùccuru Tanas |
0 |
62865 |
sa Pedra Longa |
0 |
62866 |
Cuccuru is Serras |
0 |
62867 |
Terraxiallias |
0 |
62868 |
Serra Figu |
0 |
62869 |
su Fenosu |
0 |
62870 |
Stacoxius |
0 |
62871 |
Colonie Marine |
0 |
62872 |
Interacquas |
0 |
62873 |
Pixi Arbili |
0 |
62874 |
Arrodedda |
0 |
62875 |
Centro Uno Sassu |
0 |
62876 |
sa Uccaria |
0 |
62877 |
Perdu Meano |
0 |
62878 |
Conca su Mortu |
0 |
62879 |
Bau Craboni |
0 |
62880 |
Bennaxi |
0 |
62881 |
Masongius |
0 |
62882 |
Cannisonis |
0 |
62883 |
Cuccuru Sorradia |
0 |
62884 |
su Pirastu |
0 |
62885 |
Stabilimento Termale |
0 |
62886 |
is Tirideddas |
0 |
62887 |
Canaioba |
0 |
62888 |
Ingialis |
0 |
62889 |
Pauli Mannu |
0 |
62890 |
Tuppa sa Canna |
0 |
62891 |
San Quirico |
0 |
62892 |
Nai Ispitzadas |
0 |
62893 |
Genna Sparau |
0 |
62894 |
Guardia sa Carroga |
0 |
62895 |
Sant'Elena |
0 |
62896 |
Corrincas |
0 |
62897 |
Gregori |
0 |
62898 |
Scuole |
0 |
62899 |
su Cungia Mannu |
0 |
62900 |
Roia Nosincara |
0 |
62901 |
Pauli Longa |
0 |
62902 |
Pardu Spinosu |
0 |
62903 |
is Crabilis |
0 |
62904 |
Nurachi |
0 |
62905 |
Florissa |
0 |
62906 |
Pranurras |
0 |
62907 |
sa Cruxitta |
0 |
62908 |
Campu Forru |
0 |
62909 |
Pira Inferta |
0 |
62910 |
Verona Golosine |
0 |
62911 |
Rifugio Telegrafo |
0 |
62912 |
Verona Santa Lucia |
0 |
62913 |
Verona Santa Lucia Brigate |
0 |
62914 |
San Massimo |
0 |
62915 |
Verona Fiera |
0 |
62916 |
Verona Z.A.I. |
0 |
62917 |
Verona Borgo Roma |
0 |
62918 |
Verona Palazzina |
0 |
62919 |
Verona Stadio |
0 |
62920 |
Verona Borgo Milano |
0 |
62921 |
Verona Stazione Porta Nuova |
0 |
62922 |
Verona Borgo Nuovo |
0 |
62923 |
Verona San Zeno |
0 |
62924 |
Verona Saval |
0 |
62925 |
Chievo |
0 |
62926 |
Verona Borgo Trento |
0 |
62927 |
Verona Ponte Crencano |
0 |
62928 |
Veronetta |
0 |
62929 |
Porto San Pancrazio |
0 |
62930 |
Verona Borgo Venezia |
0 |
62931 |
Verona Santa Croce |
0 |
62932 |
Prà Alpesina a Valle |
0 |
62933 |
Prà Alpesina a Monte |
0 |
62934 |
Rifugio Monte Baldo |
0 |
62935 |
Rifugio Chierego |
0 |
62936 |
Rifugio Fiori Del Baldo |
0 |
62937 |
Due Pozze, Monte Baldo |
0 |
62938 |
Malga Valfredda, Monte Baldo |
0 |
62939 |
Malga Ime |
0 |
62940 |
Osservatorio Astronomico Monte Baldo |
0 |
62941 |
Rifugio Bocca Di Selva |
0 |
62942 |
Rifugio Malga Malera |
0 |
62943 |
Rifugio Primaneve |
0 |
62944 |
Rifugio Castelberto |
0 |
62945 |
Rifugio Podesteria |
0 |
62946 |
Rifugio Boschetto |
0 |
62947 |
Rifugio Revolto |
0 |
62948 |
Rifugio Passo Pertica |
0 |
62949 |
Marzana |
0 |
62950 |
Rifugio Scalorbi |
0 |
62951 |
Rifugio Fraccaroli |
0 |
62952 |
Malga Lessinia |
0 |
62953 |
Conca dei Parpari |
0 |
62954 |
Rifugio Dardo |
0 |
62955 |
Scopella |
0 |
62956 |
Santa Caterina D'este |
2340 |
62957 |
Setteville |
5820 |
62958 |
Rizza |
0 |
62959 |
Villa Buri |
0 |
62960 |
Bosco Buri |
0 |
62961 |
Pestrino |
0 |
62962 |
Spiaggia di Capratica |
0 |
62963 |
Capratica |
0 |
62964 |
Settefonti |
0 |
62965 |
La Scala |
1420 |
62966 |
Rifugio Val Formica Cima Larici |
0 |
62967 |
Prelà |
0 |