3501 |
Corran Cross Roads |
0 |
3502 |
Killeady Cross Roads |
0 |
3503 |
Halfway |
226 |
3504 |
Sligga Bridge |
0 |
3505 |
Meadstown |
0 |
3506 |
Fort Cross Roads |
0 |
3507 |
Bealahareagh Bridge |
0 |
3508 |
Balliarea Cross |
0 |
3509 |
Ravenswood |
0 |
3510 |
Whitewell |
0 |
3511 |
Lurrig |
0 |
3512 |
Ballybranagan |
0 |
3513 |
Shanahee |
0 |
3514 |
Ballymacandrick |
0 |
3515 |
Ballyandreen |
0 |
3516 |
Ballybraher |
0 |
3517 |
Monagurra |
0 |
3518 |
Downdaniel |
0 |
3519 |
Dough |
0 |
3520 |
Ballyvoye |
0 |
3521 |
Callaros Eighter |
0 |
3522 |
Lissagraffin |
0 |
3523 |
Ballydivin Cottages |
0 |
3524 |
Ballybrack |
0 |
3525 |
Seafort |
0 |
3526 |
Maulawaddra |
0 |
3527 |
Caher |
0 |
3528 |
Gortnaclasha |
0 |
3529 |
Gortnakilly |
0 |
3530 |
Gouladoo |
0 |
3531 |
Drishane Bridge |
0 |
3532 |
Canalough |
0 |
3533 |
Caheraphuca |
0 |
3534 |
Cummeen |
0 |
3535 |
Travara Bridge |
0 |
3536 |
Aughabrack |
0 |
3537 |
Knockoura |
0 |
3538 |
Gour Bridge |
0 |
3539 |
Knocknaud |
0 |
3540 |
Tooreen Beg |
0 |
3541 |
Kealincha Bridge |
0 |
3542 |
Crumpane |
0 |
3543 |
Bofickil |
0 |
3544 |
Gortgarriff |
0 |
3545 |
Barrees |
0 |
3546 |
Bunskellig |
0 |
3547 |
Cappul Bridge |
0 |
3548 |
Cleanderry |
0 |
3549 |
Derreenacush |
0 |
3550 |
Barrakilly |
0 |
3551 |
Lackareagh |
0 |
3552 |
Glanmore Bridge |
0 |
3553 |
Atadav Bridge |
0 |
3554 |
Glashananinnaun Bridge |
0 |
3555 |
Bucslikane Bridge |
0 |
3556 |
Tooreenyduneen |
0 |
3557 |
Casttercose |
0 |
3558 |
Coad |
0 |
3559 |
Glanlough |
0 |
3560 |
Ardmore |
0 |
3561 |
Reenrone |
0 |
3562 |
Gortdromagh |
0 |
3563 |
Hollywood |
0 |
3564 |
Brackloon |
0 |
3565 |
Ardea Bridge |
0 |
3566 |
Coornagillagh |
0 |
3567 |
Lauragh Bridge |
0 |
3568 |
Croanshagh Bridge |
0 |
3569 |
Inchintaglin Bridge |
0 |
3570 |
Curragh |
0 |
3571 |
Trafrask Bridge |
0 |
3572 |
Trafrask |
0 |
3573 |
Roosk |
0 |
3574 |
Derrylough |
0 |
3575 |
Derreenacarrin |
0 |
3576 |
Lissarnona |
0 |
3577 |
Slievemore |
0 |
3578 |
Kilmoon |
0 |
3579 |
Derreennatra |
0 |
3580 |
Cappaghglass |
0 |
3581 |
Sealaclare Bridge |
0 |
3582 |
Crooked Bridge |
0 |
3583 |
Rathmore |
0 |
3584 |
Ballymacrown |
0 |
3585 |
Ballyoughiera |
0 |
3586 |
Dooneen |
0 |
3587 |
Ballyvireen Bridge |
0 |
3588 |
Temple Bridge |
0 |
3589 |
Kilruane Bridge |
0 |
3590 |
Pike Cross Roads |
0 |
3591 |
Ballynavar Bridge |
0 |
3592 |
Roury Bridge |
0 |
3593 |
Skahanagh |
0 |
3594 |
Myross |
0 |
3595 |
Gortroe Cross Roads |
0 |
3596 |
Abbey Mount |
0 |
3597 |
Glandore Bridge |
0 |
3598 |
Smithville |
0 |
3599 |
Milleen Bridge |
0 |
3600 |
Runalunn |
0 |
3601 |
Bauravilla |
0 |
3602 |
Red Cross Roads |
0 |
3603 |
Foherlagh |
0 |
3604 |
Meen Bridge |
0 |
3605 |
New Bridge |
0 |
3606 |
Church Cross |
0 |
3607 |
Rathrnane Bridge |
0 |
3608 |
Letter |
0 |
3609 |
Rathruane |
0 |
3610 |
Shantullig North |
0 |
3611 |
Coosane |
0 |
3612 |
Glan |
0 |
3613 |
Sam’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3614 |
Woodfield |
0 |
3615 |
The Counsellors Cross Roads |
0 |
3616 |
Carrigagrenane Cross Roads |
0 |
3617 |
Bealad Cross Roads |
0 |
3618 |
Argideen Bridge |
0 |
3619 |
Mall Cross Roads |
0 |
3620 |
Carrigbaun Cross Roads |
0 |
3621 |
Kippagh Bridge |
0 |
3622 |
Floraville |
0 |
3623 |
Reavouler Bridge |
0 |
3624 |
Rossmore |
0 |
3625 |
Kilmeen Cross Roads |
0 |
3626 |
Cloonkirgeen |
0 |
3627 |
Maulanimirish |
0 |
3628 |
Clubhouse Cross Roads |
0 |
3629 |
Kilronane |
0 |
3630 |
Driminidy |
0 |
3631 |
Bredagh Cross Roads |
0 |
3632 |
Derryclogh |
0 |
3633 |
Shronacarton Cross Roads |
0 |
3634 |
Moyny Bridge |
0 |
3635 |
Mutton Bridge |
0 |
3636 |
Derreeny Bridge |
0 |
3637 |
Barna Cross Roads |
0 |
3638 |
Cullomane Cross Roads |
0 |
3639 |
Glanaphuca Bridge |
0 |
3640 |
Dromore |
0 |
3641 |
Leitry Bridge |
0 |
3642 |
Glandart |
0 |
3643 |
Maunvough |
0 |
3644 |
Glanbannoo Upper |
0 |
3645 |
Lady’s Odell |
0 |
3646 |
Letterlicky Bridge |
0 |
3647 |
Killoveenoge |
0 |
3648 |
Coolcoulagata |
0 |
3649 |
Manch Bridge |
0 |
3650 |
Lissacroneen Cross Roads |
0 |
3651 |
Toom |
0 |
3652 |
Behagh |
0 |
3653 |
Nedinagh |
0 |
3654 |
Geara Bridge |
0 |
3655 |
Cooleenagow Cross Roads |
0 |
3656 |
Ardcahan Bridge |
0 |
3657 |
Cummernamart Cross Roads |
0 |
3658 |
Poulnaherry Bridge |
0 |
3659 |
Togher Bridge |
0 |
3660 |
Dromdrasdil |
0 |
3661 |
Shanacrane |
0 |
3662 |
Gortloughra Bridge |
0 |
3663 |
Barnagowlane |
0 |
3664 |
Coomleagh |
0 |
3665 |
Ardrah |
0 |
3666 |
Cahermucker |
0 |
3667 |
Ballynamought |
0 |
3668 |
Cahermoanteen Bridge |
0 |
3669 |
Piersons Bridge |
0 |
3670 |
Coomhola Bridge |
0 |
3671 |
Barony Bridge |
0 |
3672 |
Crossterry Bridge |
0 |
3673 |
Carran |
0 |
3674 |
Furkeal Bridge |
0 |
3675 |
Cromwella Bridge |
0 |
3676 |
Banane Bridge |
0 |
3677 |
Drehideighteragh Bridge |
0 |
3678 |
Coolnagoppoge |
0 |
3679 |
Cappaboy Beg |
0 |
3680 |
Gortafludig |
0 |
3681 |
Cullenagh Bridge |
0 |
3682 |
Cloghburn |
0 |
3683 |
Inchinossig Bridge |
0 |
3684 |
Drohidaspaunig Bridge |
0 |
3685 |
Cloghboola Bridge |
0 |
3686 |
Currahy Bridge |
0 |
3687 |
Graigue Bridge |
0 |
3688 |
Turnaspidary |
0 |
3689 |
Derryvane |
0 |
3690 |
Carrigdangan |
0 |
3691 |
Bohane’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3692 |
Killhanna Cross Roads |
0 |
3693 |
Johnstown |
0 |
3694 |
Rassmore |
0 |
3695 |
Glan Cross Roads |
0 |
3696 |
Deshure |
0 |
3697 |
Kilmichael |
0 |
3698 |
Boylegrove |
0 |
3699 |
Ballynahow |
0 |
3700 |
Lateeve |
0 |
3701 |
Garrane |
0 |
3702 |
Killbarly |
0 |
3703 |
Cools |
0 |
3704 |
Chapeltown |
80 |
3705 |
Ardcost |
0 |
3706 |
Lamanagh |
0 |
3707 |
Minanes |
0 |
3708 |
Reenard Cross |
0 |
3709 |
Killelan |
0 |
3710 |
Emlagh |
0 |
3711 |
Derreen |
0 |
3712 |
Kilpeaean Cross Roads |
0 |
3713 |
New Chapel Cross |
0 |
3714 |
Caherbarnagh |
0 |
3715 |
Dromkeare Bridge |
0 |
3716 |
Scarriff |
816 |
3717 |
Dromaragh |
0 |
3718 |
Maulin |
0 |
3719 |
Glanbeg |
0 |
3720 |
Oughtiv |
0 |
3721 |
Killeenleagh Bridge |
0 |
3722 |
Knockaneden Cross |
0 |
3723 |
Derreenmoria |
0 |
3724 |
Foilmore |
0 |
3725 |
Roads |
0 |
3726 |
Kells |
0 |
3727 |
Darby’s Bridge |
0 |
3728 |
Reacaslagh |
0 |
3729 |
Ballynakilly Upper |
0 |
3730 |
Baliynakilly |
0 |
3731 |
Lissatinnig Bridge |
0 |
3732 |
Owroe Bridge |
0 |
3733 |
Kilvickadownig |
0 |
3734 |
Caherbullig |
0 |
3735 |
Kildurrih |
0 |
3736 |
Carhoo |
0 |
3737 |
Graigue |
0 |
3738 |
Rahtnnane |
0 |
3739 |
Teeravane |
0 |
3740 |
Ballyoughteragh |
0 |
3741 |
Ballinrannig |
0 |
3742 |
Farran |
0 |
3743 |
Ballinrolla |
0 |
3744 |
Ballineanig |
0 |
3745 |
Saint’s Road |
0 |
3746 |
Murreagh |
0 |
3747 |
Ballylusky |
0 |
3748 |
Ballynana |
0 |
3749 |
Caherboshina |
0 |
3750 |
Graffee |
0 |
3751 |
Moorestown |
0 |
3752 |
Feohanagh |
0 |
3753 |
Caherscullibeen |
0 |
3754 |
Reenconnell |
0 |
3755 |
Ballyheabought |
0 |
3756 |
Knocknahoran |
0 |
3757 |
Kilquane |
0 |
3758 |
Ballinloghig |
0 |
3759 |
Ballynavenooragh |
0 |
3760 |
Ballinknockane |
0 |
3761 |
Tiduff |
0 |
3762 |
Faha |
0 |
3763 |
Cloonsharragh |
0 |
3764 |
Murirrigane |
0 |
3765 |
Teer |
0 |
3766 |
Cappagh |
0 |
3767 |
Boherboy |
0 |
3768 |
Doonsheane |
0 |
3769 |
Emlagh East |
0 |
3770 |
Doonmanagh |
0 |
3771 |
Tobernamoodane |
0 |
3772 |
Aglish |
0 |
3773 |
Banoge South |
0 |
3774 |
Gowlin |
0 |
3775 |
Mall |
0 |
3776 |
Lougher |
0 |
3777 |
Glanlough |
0 |
3778 |
Aughacasla |
0 |
3779 |
Trench Bridge |
0 |
3780 |
Gortagowan |
0 |
3781 |
Bogare |
0 |
3782 |
Tullakeel |
0 |
3783 |
Coombaha |
0 |
3784 |
Lettergarriv |
0 |
3785 |
Coomnacarrig Bridge |
0 |
3786 |
Boheeskil |
0 |
3787 |
Beenbane |
0 |
3788 |
Bealtalaw Bridge |
0 |
3789 |
Dromalonhurt Bridge |
0 |
3790 |
Neesha |
0 |
3791 |
Creeveen |
0 |
3792 |
Blackstomes Bridge |
0 |
3793 |
Glanbeny Bridge |
0 |
3794 |
Golagh |
0 |
3795 |
Lake Field |
0 |
3796 |
Curraheen |
0 |
3797 |
Behy Bridge |
0 |
3798 |
Doolahag |
0 |
3799 |
Knockaunroe |
0 |
3800 |
Cromane |
115 |
3801 |
Garrane |
0 |
3802 |
Derrymore |
0 |
3803 |
Tawlaght |
0 |
3804 |
Fybagh |
0 |
3805 |
Ballinaspig |
0 |
3806 |
Musheen |
0 |
3807 |
Tramore |
0 |
3808 |
Clogheen |
0 |
3809 |
Ardfallen |
0 |
3810 |
Killeens Cross |
0 |
3811 |
Dublin Pike |
0 |
3812 |
Lahardane |
0 |
3813 |
Whites Cross |
0 |
3814 |
Kilcronan |
0 |
3815 |
Lisduff |
0 |
3816 |
Templemichael Bridge |
0 |
3817 |
Buck Leary’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3818 |
Upper Glanmire Bridge |
0 |
3819 |
Ballinvinny South |
0 |
3820 |
Kilquane Bridge |
0 |
3821 |
Butlerstown |
0 |
3822 |
Loumore |
0 |
3823 |
Ballinglanna |
0 |
3824 |
Caherlag |
0 |
3825 |
Killeena |
0 |
3826 |
Dunsland |
0 |
3827 |
Glounthaune |
0 |
3828 |
Little Island Roads |
0 |
3829 |
Derrybrook |
0 |
3830 |
Broadale |
0 |
3831 |
Old Courth |
0 |
3832 |
Rochestown |
0 |
3833 |
Ballynacrusha Cross Roads |
0 |
3834 |
Ballyleary |
0 |
3835 |
Pigeonhill Cross Roads |
0 |
3836 |
Greenville |
0 |
3837 |
Walterstown |
0 |
3838 |
Statty Bridge |
0 |
3839 |
Avoncore |
0 |
3840 |
Carrigogna Bridge |
0 |
3841 |
Gortnacrue |
0 |
3842 |
Glenathonacash |
0 |
3843 |
Boolakeel |
0 |
3844 |
Kinard |
0 |
3845 |
Knockacrump |
0 |
3846 |
Meelshane |
0 |
3847 |
Thade’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3848 |
Ballintotes |
0 |
3849 |
Ballincourlea |
0 |
3850 |
Ightermurragh |
0 |
3851 |
Kibmountain Cross Roads |
0 |
3852 |
Ballynacole |
0 |
3853 |
Annistown |
0 |
3854 |
Gortnagappul |
0 |
3855 |
Ballymareagh |
0 |
3856 |
Glenawilling |
0 |
3857 |
Gortavadda Bridge |
0 |
3858 |
Cromponn Bridge |
0 |
3859 |
Clearies Cross Roads |
0 |
3860 |
Ballymacask |
0 |
3861 |
Glenally |
0 |
3862 |
Ballymadog |
0 |
3863 |
Dunbulloge Bridge |
0 |
3864 |
Dromgarriff |
0 |
3865 |
Killeagh Cross Roads |
0 |
3866 |
Ballyvorisheen |
0 |
3867 |
Ballinvinny North |
0 |
3868 |
Ballindeenisk Cross Roads |
0 |
3869 |
Ballinlegane Cross Roads |
0 |
3870 |
Scrahane Cross Roads |
0 |
3871 |
Ballyvatta |
0 |
3872 |
Shanballyreagh |
0 |
3873 |
Kearney’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3874 |
Barnetstown |
0 |
3875 |
Moonbaun |
0 |
3876 |
Kean Bridge |
0 |
3877 |
Old Bride Bridge |
0 |
3878 |
Leamlara |
0 |
3879 |
Kean Cross Roads |
0 |
3880 |
Peafield |
0 |
3881 |
Monaleen Bridge |
0 |
3882 |
Glendine Bridge |
0 |
3883 |
Ballyard Cross Roads |
0 |
3884 |
Curraghdermot Cross Roads |
0 |
3885 |
Glentrasna |
0 |
3886 |
Britway |
0 |
3887 |
Hightown |
0 |
3888 |
Cronavan |
0 |
3889 |
Ballinwillin |
0 |
3890 |
Ballynakilla |
0 |
3891 |
Ballynagaul |
0 |
3892 |
Pound Cross Roads |
0 |
3893 |
Murtey’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3894 |
Kilphillibeen |
0 |
3895 |
Dongan Bridge |
0 |
3896 |
Lombard’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3897 |
Barnaviddane |
0 |
3898 |
D’Loughtane Cross Roads |
0 |
3899 |
Browns Cross Roads |
0 |
3900 |
Ballynatray Commons |
0 |
3901 |
Corrandromaun Cross Roads |
0 |
3902 |
Sprangmount |
0 |
3903 |
Rincrew |
0 |
3904 |
The Pike |
0 |
3905 |
Power’s Bridge |
0 |
3906 |
Glannagaul |
0 |
3907 |
Ballybrowney Mountain |
0 |
3908 |
Clykeel Leary’s Cross |
0 |
3909 |
Kilcor |
0 |
3910 |
Farran |
0 |
3911 |
Kenny’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3912 |
Spurree Cross Roads |
0 |
3913 |
Edgar’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3914 |
Grange |
0 |
3915 |
Knockmourne |
0 |
3916 |
Five Cross Roads |
0 |
3917 |
Ballyphilip |
0 |
3918 |
Castlerichard |
0 |
3919 |
Garrycloyne |
0 |
3920 |
Lyon’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3921 |
Daly’s Cross Roads |
0 |
3922 |
Marston |
0 |
3923 |
Kilcoran |
0 |
3924 |
Currabeha |
0 |
3925 |
Coolbaun |
0 |
3926 |
Mount Rivers |
0 |
3927 |
Knockananig |
0 |
3928 |
Creggolympry |
0 |
3929 |
Bloomfield Cross Roads |
0 |
3930 |
Ballydague |
0 |
3931 |
Springhill |
0 |
3932 |
Beennaskehy |
0 |
3933 |
Castletownroche |
0 |
3934 |
Ballygriffin |
0 |
3935 |
The Glen |
0 |
3936 |
Ballydoyle |
0 |
3937 |
Kilcummer Bridge |
0 |
3938 |
Goolaway Cross Roads |
0 |
3939 |
Derryvillane |
0 |
3940 |
Carrigdownane |
0 |
3941 |
Togher Cross Roads |
0 |
3942 |
Ballykenly Bridge |
0 |
3943 |
Killeenemer |
0 |
3944 |
Caherdrinny |
0 |
3945 |
Corrabrien Cross Roads |
0 |
3946 |
Brawnroe Cross Roads |
0 |
3947 |
Upper Convamore |
0 |
3948 |
Boherderroye |
0 |
3949 |
Bounbawn Cross Roads |
0 |
3950 |
Insnasallagh |
0 |
3951 |
Agraglin Bridge |
0 |
3952 |
Molly Barry Cross Roads |
0 |
3953 |
Rushmount |
0 |
3954 |
Knockaskehane |
0 |
3955 |
Glenfinish Bridge |
0 |
3956 |
Ballard |
0 |
3957 |
Glenatlucky |
0 |
3958 |
Crinnaghtane |
0 |
3959 |
Kingston Bridge |
0 |
3960 |
Ballinaleucra |
0 |
3961 |
Labbanacallee |
0 |
3962 |
Sruh |
0 |
3963 |
Monalour |
0 |
3964 |
Skahanagh More |
0 |
3965 |
Ballintlea Bridge |
0 |
3966 |
Graig Upper |
0 |
3967 |
Ballyshanock |
0 |
3968 |
Oldcastletown |
0 |
3969 |
Glenavuddig Bridge |
0 |
3970 |
Glennahulla Cross |
0 |
3971 |
Flemingstown |
0 |
3972 |
Killee Bridge |
0 |
3973 |
Marshalstown |
0 |
3974 |
Cullenagh |
0 |
3975 |
Redchair Cross Roads |
0 |
3976 |
Murrins Cross Roads |
0 |
3977 |
Carrigeen Cross Roads |
0 |
3978 |
Darragh Bridge |
0 |
3979 |
Ballyfauskeen Cross Roads |
0 |
3980 |
Ahaphuca Bridge |
0 |
3981 |
Knockanevin |
0 |
3982 |
Ballaghaderg Bridge |
0 |
3983 |
Collyregan |
0 |
3984 |
Geeragh Bridge |
0 |
3985 |
Brackbaun Bridge |
0 |
3986 |
Baurnagurrahy |
0 |
3987 |
Boolanlisheen |
0 |
3988 |
Curraleigh |
0 |
3989 |
Flemingtown |
0 |
3990 |
Carrigmore Cross Roads |
0 |
3991 |
Garrymore Bridge |
0 |
3992 |
Coolagarranoe Bridge |
0 |
3993 |
Almaseed Bridge |
0 |
3994 |
Glengarra Bridge |
0 |
3995 |
Curraghmore Bridge |
0 |
3996 |
Graigue |
0 |
3997 |
Garrymore Cross Roads |
0 |
3998 |
Knockballiniry |
0 |
3999 |
Laght Cross Roads |
0 |
4000 |
Burged Bridge |
0 |